Number of seats: approxiemately 2,000 Hall with facilities for scene. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.
The projects that are selected as the “Best Practices” should be those that enhance the quality of human life, have a clear and visible effect, are generated from effective partnerships between multiple entities (public/private entities and citizens) and can be deployed to other regions.
In addition, the projects selected as best practices are expected to be related to one of the sub-themes of the Expo: “Saving Lives,” “Empowering Lives,” or “Connecting Lives.” The fields and areas related to these sub-themes are listed as examples in the theme scopes covered in the ”Theme Weeks” of Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan
The Women’s Pavilion in collaboration with Cartier will be exhibited by the Cabinet Office; Ministry of Economy. This program will continue to reinforce the Pavilion's guiding principle:
"When women flourish, humanity flourishes”
Individuals of all genders coexist in true equality, mutual respect abounds, and everyone can realize their full potential. From Expo2020 Dubai to Osaka, Kansai Expo2025, the Women’s Pavilion’s mission is to create a legacy that can be passed on to future generations.
The WA space will serve as a confluence for ideas, intellects and perspectives where everyone is invited to partake in the collective endeavour of shaping a brighter future. The place where people gather will be dedicated to highlighting amazing people and important causes. The story will be told from both a global and local perspective and connected to the main ideas of the Pavilion.